So what is adult formation anyway?

What is spiritual formation and why is it important in our lives? Why should we care? Why should we come?

Spiritual formation is the patterning and structuring of our character into the image and likeness of God. That doesn’t require us to become strange, holy people who pray constantly; rather, it is living into holy habits or spiritual disciplines that allow us to be and become that person God hoped for us at our creation. It is the art and practice of knowing ourselves as God knows us, of being and becoming that full, whole, complete, and healthy person God longs for us to be. This is the Good News !

The offerings this program year provide some tools through which to realign our relationship to God. Some of the courses are theological, others informational, and still others more practical in nature. All seek to build community, for in the kingdom of God, relationships are primary and all else is derivative.

Our hope is that we begin to consider Sunday mornings at St. John’s as both a chance to praise God and a chance to study God in that place where our curiosities and desires meet. Our Adults’ Forums run from 9:40 - 10:20 a.m. every Sunday in the Parish Hall and sometimes on Zoom. Please take the time to review these offerings and consider how they might enhance your spiritual journey.